General conditions

These Terms of Use regulate the use of the r-evolucion-com website (hereinafter “the website”), a European Union certification mark requested by María José González Alonso (DNI 70881544Y) on behalf of AGILE SELLER (in hereinafter AGILE SELLER) as owner, with address at C/ Tejares 27, Bajo 29011 Málaga, Spain. The use by the client of the services of the website presupposes, in any case, adherence to the Terms of Use in the version published by AGILE SELLER at the time of the purchase order. Therefore, it is advisable that you read these Terms of Use before proceeding to make a purchase of a service.

These Terms of Use will always be subject to the regulations in force at all times in such a way that if any term or condition is modified by the applicable regulations (whether that modification is temporary or permanent), you will have the rights that the applicable regulations recognize you and AGILE SELLER will inform you of any other additional measures it may adopt in your favor.

In the event of a contradiction between the provisions of the applicable regulations and the provisions of these Terms of Use, the provisions of the applicable regulations will apply.

1. Scope of the contract

These Terms of Use apply to the sale of all r-evolución services through its website, to consumers to whom its services can be provided. AGILE SELLER informs that its website is aimed exclusively at an audience over 18 years of age. AGILE SELLER reserves the right to cancel a customer's access account if fraudulent, speculative or bad faith acts are detected in the use of this service. AGILE SELLER will send an email indicating the acknowledgment of receipt of the service. However, the formalization of the contract will not take place until AGILE SELLER sends another subsequent email confirming that the audit services are managed. Due to the open nature of the website, and the possibility of errors in the storage and transmission of digital information, we do not guarantee the accuracy and security of any information transmitted or obtained through the website, unless expressly stated. contrary in it.

However, AGILE SELLER makes every effort to ensure that the information contained on the website is complete, true and correct. If there is any error in any data, AGILE SELLER will proceed to rectify it.

You are only permitted to use the website lawfully. The use, by any direct or indirect means, of any of the contents of the website for purposes that are or could be illicit, as well as the performance of any action that causes or may cause damage of any kind, is expressly prohibited.

By using this website and placing orders through it, the customer agrees


(i) make use of this website only to make legal inquiries or orders valid;

(ii) not make any false or fraudulent queries or orders;

(iii) not use the website in any way that causes, or may cause, any damage or harm to any of the users of the website or to AGILE SELLER; either

(iv) not use the website for any fraudulent purpose, nor for the purpose of committing any crime or other illegal activity of any other kind; either

(v) not use the website to cause any annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety to a third party.

If it could reasonably be considered that a query or request of this nature has been made, we will be authorized to cancel it and inform the relevant authorities. Additionally, we reserve the right to prevent access to the website and/or the ability to make inquiries and orders through the website or to cancel the customer's account if their behavior constitutes a justified reason to do so. This will be the case, in particular, if the customer is in breach of applicable regulations, applicable contractual provisions, our guidelines or our policies, as provided in the preceding paragraphs.

2. Description: price and features

The applicable prices, as well as the description of the characteristics of the services, are those indicated on the website on the date of the order, except for manifest or obvious errors. Prices are detailed in each article and include VAT. (Value Added Tax).

In relation to any item or service purchased on the website, AGILE SELLER will be responsible for providing in a clear and understandable manner the mandatory pre-contractual information indicated by current regulations.

In no case, and unless otherwise provided by law, AGILE SELLER will not be responsible for the following losses, regardless of their origin: loss of income or sales, loss of business, loss of profits or loss of contracts, loss of anticipated savings, loss of data, loss of management time or office hours.

3. Payment

Payment will be made upon completion of the purchase process and will be an essential condition for its formalization. In no case can payment be made later.

Subsequently, you can check the amount paid and the payment method chosen in the customer area. The client must notify AGILE SELLER of any improper or fraudulent charge on the card used for purchases, by email or telephone, in the shortest possible time so that AGILE SELLER can carry out the appropriate procedures. Providers or issuers of payment methods may adopt anti-fraud measures that entail the rejection of certain types of operations. AGILE SELLER is not responsible for the application of this type of security policies.

4. Provision of services

AGILE SELLER will contact the customer within a maximum period of 30 calendar days from making the purchase through www.r-evolucion.com. However, the final date for the execution of said services is subject to the availability of the AGILE SELLLER team.

5. Order cancellation

AGILE SELLER reserves the right to cancel any confirmed order, or not accept a confirmed order under any of the following circumstances:

- In case of technical error and/or typographical error of a manifest and evident nature in the prices or in the rest of the data of the services contained on the website when the order was placed.

- When security systems indicate that the order may be fraudulent.

- When there are indications that indicate that the client is a minor and/or that he is violating any of the conditions included in these Terms of Use.

- When a computer attack, virus or any event occurs that is beyond the reasonable control of AGILE SELLER (cases of force majeure).

- Due to lack of availability of the AGILE SELLER team to provide the service in the next 6 months.

6. Industrial and intellectual property

The client acknowledges and consents that all copyright, trademark and other industrial and intellectual property rights on the materials or content provided as part of the website belong to AGILE SELLER at all times or to those who have licensed their use to AGILE SELLER.

The client may use said material only in the manner expressly authorized by AGILE SELLER. This will not prevent the client from using this website to the extent necessary to obtain information about their contracted services or contact information.

7. Modification of the Terms of Use

AGILE SELLER reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time. No modification will affect the services that are already in progress.

8. Force majeure

Compliance by AGILE SELLER with all or part of its obligations will be suspended in the event that a fortuitous event or force majeure occurs that prevents or delays compliance. They will be considered as such, in particular, without this list being limiting: war, a pandemic, riots, insurrection, social unrest, strikes of any nature and supply problems not attributable to AGILE SELLER.

AGILE SELLER will inform the client of such unforeseen event or force majeure within seven days.

after its occurrence. In the event that said suspension extends beyond a period of 90 days, the client will then have the possibility of terminating the current service and a refund will then be made, as established in point 5 of these Terms of Use or in those others that the applicable regulations could, where appropriate, establish.

9. Computer attacks (viruses, piracy...)

The use of the website by intentionally introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or any other technologically harmful or harmful programs or materials is strictly prohibited. The client will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to this website, its server, or any server, computer or database related to the website.

By accepting these Terms of Use, the customer agrees and undertakes not to attack the website via a denial of service attack or a distributed denial of service attack. Failure to comply with the provisions of this clause may result in the commission of infractions classified in the applicable regulations. AGILE SELLER will report any non-compliance with said regulations to the competent authorities, and we will cooperate with them in the relevant procedures. Likewise, in the event of non-compliance with this clause, the client will no longer be authorized to use and enter the website.

AGILE SELLER is not responsible for any damages, losses or losses resulting from a denial of service attack, viruses or any other technologically harmful or damaging programs or materials that may affect computer equipment, data or materials when arising from the use of the site. website or the downloading of content from it to which it is redirected.

10. Basic information of the Privacy Policy

You can consult additional and detailed information about our Privacy Policy here. (add link to privacy policy)

11. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These Terms of Use are subject to Spanish legislation. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the non-resident consumer in Spain also enjoys the protection guaranteed by the mandatory provisions of the law of the country where he has his habitual residence. The parties submit, at their option, for the resolution of conflicts and waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the client's domicile.

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